
About Us
Mae Organization was founded in 2008, by Martinha Javid and has been operating with a board of volunteers, to combat mental illness in the homeless population through innovative holistic methods.
Due to the poverty levels and the overwhelming demand for other services in the community, MAE answered the need by expanding our programs and services. We now provide hot meals, clothing, and toiletries at strategic cities in the State of Rhode Island, we transition clients from the streets to housing and then help with job placement, we work with business to accept and train at-risk individuals, we coordinate detox needs, and much more.
We are funded by the generosity of individual, corporate donations, and grants, along with the sale of our themed products. Our goal is to raise $210,000 over the next three years. In addition to fundraising to run the programs, MAE continues efforts to fundraise and apply for grants to raise funds to pay for the lease and utilities of Mae’s wellness center to continue providing our services to all in need.

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The mission of the MAE Organization is to promote healing and mental wellness for at-risk individuals and those affected by homelessness by providing basic life needs such as food, shelter and support while uplifting the spirit with therapeutic services which focus on the wellness of each individual.
A world where every individual has a place to call home, where compassion and community prevail over adversity, and where homelessness is a chapter of the past. Through our programs, we envision our at-risk friends breaking out of the cycle of homelessness and becoming thriving, self-sufficient citizens. We see them contributing back to society through newly learned life skills, traits, and giving back by means of volunteering through Mae. Together, we strive for a future where hope replaces despair, empowerment conquers helplessness, and each person finds their path to a brighter tomorrow.

MAE derives its name from the Portuguese word “Mãe,” meaning “Mother.” This name embodies the nurturing essence of our organization, symbolizing our commitment to providing care, support, and shelter to those in need.
Accomplishing our Mission is dependent on our philosophy and values:
We believe that everyone deserves the tools, encouragement, and time to repair the root causes of pain, self-doubt, and trauma to fully heal and start the journey of a new and fulfilling life experience
We believe that every individual deserves to be seen, respected, and treated with dignity.
We believe that if a person is to become a productive, functioning, and successful contributing member of our fast-paced world and societal environment, one must first be healed emotionally and physically.
We support and empower our homeless population to become self-sufficient and get off homelessness, not enablers of street living.
We understand the complexity of homelessness and show compassion for the homeless.
We welcome and help all people equally and with love.
We advocate and provide a voice for the homeless population to help end hunger and poverty in our society.
We secure the most amazing and loving volunteers to support our mission.
We promote and establish community engagement through partnerships with other agencies and volunteer opportunities.
We express our Mission in terms of three broad goals
Our resources and dedication will provide quality multifaceted programs strategically designed to help the homeless population become self-sufficient.
To run a Wellness retreat like center as a place of respite and enlightenment. Individuals will experience sense of self-worth, forgiveness and understanding with the assurance of safety and no judgment, through our holistic approaches.,
The homeless population will learn trade skills which will ensure them jobs once they are ready to transition into apartment living and become productive members of society sharing their unique gifts with the world.